Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Mmmm Toast

So I went to Walmart on my lunch break. Indeed I can often be found at Walmart at lunch. I debated within myself as to whether I should go out to eat, but I powered through and decided to go buy some nutritious fare at the Walmart. Cheaper and better for me I dare say.

I finished shopping and still had almost a half hour left of my lunch. As I was driving to the park prepared to park my car and commence reading "The Secret Life of Bees". I was suddenly hit with the craving to eat a bagel that I had just bought. I really wanted one, but I also really wanted to go to the park. It was at this moment that I thought of how amazing a Toaster that had a car adapter would be.

I mean seriously, how many times have I been on a road trip or in some other situation where I just think some toast or a pop tart would hit the spot. Doesn't it always seem like those sorts of cravings hit right when you are driving and can do nothing about it? This kind of drama could be avoided with a toaster adapter.

Does anyone know if this actually exists? Even an adapter that would plug into the car and then you could plug anything with a standard plug into it. How delightful whilst driving to be able to straighten your hair, Plug in the bread maker for some fresh bread, and then toast it?!? Am I right or am I right?


KA said...

I love the concept. But, as one who got a speeding ticket last week and barely eeked myself out of a secondary offense for talking on the cell phone, I'm not sure it's the most economical approach.

Anonymous said...

Great! Not only do I get stuck behind the gal who is trying to put on her make-up while talking on the cell phone and…oh yeah…trying to drive (in the inside lane). Now, you are suggesting that I get to contend with one who is cooking breakfast at the same time!

Anonymous said...

i also loved the concept, so much so that i googled "car toaster". imagine my surprise and delight when i found this...

"Any time is pizza time with the RoadPro Toaster Oven Pizzeria. The 12-volt unit features multiple settings for heating a small pie or other foods."

Are you kidding me? I can make pizza on my way home from work? Chicken nuggets? a small pie? other foods? I've died and gone to heaven. Maybe we can get a bulk discount, because everyone needs one of these.

Anonymous said...

i'm sorry, i can't let this go. look what else i just found...

"A full array of tools for the 12-volt gourmet are also available through Athena’s Max Burton appliance line. Ambitious road trippers can heat hot dogs, pop popcorn, prepare a roast or blend mixed drinks using inexpensive appliances that can be plugged into a car’s power point."

Prepare a roast? Blend mixed drinks? In a car? It seems like this might be wrong in some way, but I can't quite put my finger on it.

Lindsay said...

See, I knew I wasn't alone in my quest for a bit of cooking in the car! Sign me up for one of each of these delightful gadgets!

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it just be easier to buy some "MREs" (meals ready to eat) and tape them to the manifold. As you drive down the road they get cooked. Five miles down the highway, you pop the hood open and get the MRE. There you have a fully cooked gourmet (army) meal - ready to eat.

PS: Chicken Chow Mein MREs for sale. (And for you, Lids, because of the "special" I got on the P&P DVD, I'll reciprocate and give you a "special" deal.)

Anonymous said...

Linds, or "Lids" as LD addresses you,

He does have a point with the MRE's and you could still have mixed drinks with a side of popcorn to make a full meal of it.

KA said...

Well I've clearly been on vacay and out of the comment loop, but might I say I am VERY interested in this "preparing a roast" notion. I love Google.

Anonymous said...

I like to buy a hot dog at Circle K and then to keep it warm I sit on it while driving. Ummm, it's always toasty warm.