Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Pics from London

Mom and Dad's New Summer Home. Look how well HB fit's in with the locals

Trafalga Square
H and Pen enjoying Wicked
My favorite Part of the trip! Hooray Wicked

The outside of the tower

Londond Bridge

View from our river cruise. I don't know what people go on about as far as the weather. We had gorgeous blue skies the entire time.

Penee and H enjoying the river cruise

Here is the famous Hyde park and the "Soap Boxes" It's true people do just randomly stand up to express their political or religious views. You can see how many are gathered to hear what they have to say. This was really interesting. Apparently these men were talking about suicide bombers.

Dad became obsessed with this Palm tree. He kept trying to ask everyone what it was called to no avail. Eventually we had to go to a nursery so he could find out the name.

Did I mention he was obsessed?

We went to church at the Hyde Park ward for Easter Sunday. It was truly delightful.

This statue was in the square right outside of buckingham palace. It's a memorial to Queen Victoria

There is a beautiful promendade outside of Buckingham. We enjoyed our walk very much.

Here we are in front of the Buckingham

Our walk to Buckingham took us through Regency Park. Maybe I've read too many Regency Romances but I could just picture all the Caroline Bingley's of a certain time "taking a turn" their. It was beautiful. It's also go a Princess Diana memorial walk.

Mom per usual was obsessed with any and all wildlife that we saw. She exclaimed to see a squirrel in the park.

Westminster that we got to see on our walking tour.

Us in front of the Houses of Parliment just outside of where Big Ben sits.

Big Ben

a better view of big ben and houses of parliment

Lindsay across the way

More Scenery

Mom and Dad, just like a second honeymoon.

Our hotel lobby in Russell Square. Kudos to Larry for scoring us such a nice hotel.
P.S. if you are wondering why these pictures are mysteriously a Larry free zone. It's because he just did not want to be in any. I'm not sure why.


Justin said...

Wow--now I'll have to add London to my list of places to see. I MUST see that palm tree!