This weekend I was flipping through channels on the T.V. I chanced upon Apollo 13 and ended up crying my way through the entire program. I learned some really spiritual lessons from this little gem of a show and I’m going to share some of those here on my blog.
These men all of them worked for years to accomplish their dream of flying into space, which all had accomplished at the point of this mission. In addition to that they wanted to walk on the moon. They prepared and worked tirelessly before it was their turn to attempt this mission. They wanted nothing more in life than this.
There are blessings and desires that I have for my life that I want as much as Jim Lovell (Tom Hanks character) and crew wanted to walk on the moon. The first thing that struck me was that these men were prepared. They thought that they were prepared to accomplish a successful mission, and they were, but as much as they prepared for success, that preparation allowed them to weather disaster.
Why is this significant? Who reading this has not felt bitterness at a dream unrealized? In fact who hasn’t felt a little bitterness at just a strong want unrealized? Why is it so hard to trust God in all things? He has a plan for us, always……always.
None of us can get home or accomplish our mission alone. There is always a huge cast of characters in each of our lives cheering us on and helping us along the way. Going back to Apollo 13, I think specifically of how Co2 levels were too high in the space craft. If these levels would have gone over safe levels the astronauts would have suffered from disorientation, loss of critical thinking and ultimately a slow form of brain damage. There chances of getting home would be significantly diminished. What was required if you will remember was to make a square filter fit into a round filters hole. The right people were there at the right time, with the right gifts and skills to figure out how in fact to fit a square peg into a round hole.
God knows what is needed in my life to bring me home as it were. He knows that I am going to have problems, trials and just flat out am going to need rescued. He will place the people and things in place for me and of course all of us to help us get back home.
I thought immediately about all the supporting cast of characters I have in my own life. My beloved family both immediate and extended along with amazing friends, those at church and in my neighborhood, parents of friends I grew up with and co-workers and how frequently there love, support, experiences and spiritual insights help me to fit the square pegs into the round holes of my life. How often their counsel and experiences keep me from getting disoriented and losing my direction. I know that they will all help me to get home.
I still have promised blessings and righteous desires for this life that have left to be realized. But I know that if I trust in God and keep moving forward trying to be as prepared as I can that he will put into place everything that is needed and they will be accomplished. I also know as surely as he brought 3 astronauts safely home from space, he has provided everything that I need so that I will arrive safely home to him when this life is over. For this I am truly grateful
You're right, this post is 6 pages! :) Just kidding! What a thoughtful post, sister. It made me think about some things... Love you!
You just wrote your next Sacrament Mtg. talk!!! I am so impressed with your insight and wisdom. I miss you and love you!
What a beautiful, insightful post. The insights you share are hard lessons for us all, no matter what our circumstances. Deeply profound thinking, Linds. Thanks.
I was thinking about the movie after reading your post and had one other thought. Remember how the astronauts needed to conduct a 30 second burn of the main engines. And then were faced with how to steer? Jim Lovel determined that if they could keep a fixed point in space in view through their tiny window, they could steer the craft manually. Of course, that focal point turned out to be their destination –Earth.
So for 39 agonizing seconds. Lovell focused on keeping the earth in view and by not losing sight of that reference point, the 3 astronauts avoided disaster.
You can draw your own conclusions from that but a scripture comes to mind and in order to finish our life’s mission we each must fix our eyes on the Savior…”the author and finisher of our faith…” Hebrews 12:2
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