Friday, January 25, 2008


As my final act in the singles ward I planned ward temple night. It was last night and I felt so rushed to get there and be in the chapel by 6:40. I got off work raced home, changed, raced out to my car, raced over to the temple, hurriedly changed and finally got into the chapel. As I greeted some of the other ward members who came (there were 6 of us, doubling my numbers from last month) I took some time to let the peace of the temple wash over me. It's amazing the peace that can be found there.

As I always do I prayed that while I was there for those few hours that I could learn something or know something that Heavenly Father had for me for that particular session. I felt bad that all during the session I found my mind wandering to all the things that needed to be done after we left the temple. Being in charge I had of course planned some treats for afterward. It was a sheer act of will to keep even semi focused on what was going on last night.

I can't remember the last time that it felt so hard to concentrate at the temple. I had just decided in my mind that because of my lack of focus I would probably miss out on whatever it was that Heavenly Father had to share with me while at the temple.

There came a moment right at the end, and literally it was only a few moments where I felt what it was Heavenly Father wanted to communicate to me in that particular session. I felt so much love and peace in that moment. I'm truly grateful for the Grace that allowed me even in my less than focused and frazzled state to have a sacred moment that was much needed.


Unknown said...

I always get sleepy and I worry about what I'm not getting as I fight to keep my eyes open. Thanks for your example of faith and determination.