Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Animals In Theory

So here is what I have discovered about myself. I have always thought of myself as one who likes animals. I mean really, I have always thought I would love a dog. Big, medium small it wouldn't matter to me. Additionally I always thought perhaps I would like a horse or at least a pony and cart.

But it turns out the truth is I only like animals in theory. Meaning, I only like the thought of animals until I have up close intereaction with them. The upclose intereaction freaks me right out.

For example over the Christmas break Lex and I went to visit Lacy and Dave in S.V. We went out to Dave's parents house where they have a golden lab and horses. I thought I would go play with the dog, and I must admit I thought myself pretty brave. I threw his toy around while Lacy and Lex cowered behind me trying to fend off the dog with lexie's bowling bag of a purse. It was all fun and games until the dog knocked me down and slobbered all over my behind.

Not my favorite moment. Additionally when feeding the horse an orange it's lips touched my hand and I found I didn't enjoy the sensation at all. Take home message? I guess I only really have love in my heart for dogs not much bigger then Queenie.

Side note: Right at this moment I find myslef adoring the baby calves in the field just down from my office. It makes me want one, but the cold hard facts are (and this proves my point about me only liking animals in theory) that once said calves grow up to be cows, the only time I'll be adoring them is when they show up as a big slab of meat on my plate at Outback. Mmmmm!!


Anonymous said...

Loved this comment about loving things in theory. Sort of like how I love tennis clothes but not tennis. And how I love the idea of being thin but not eating like an actual thin person. Which brings me to something I have been giving great thought to of late, ever since Dev and Quinn’s engagement announcement. Big Dilemma and Big Plea. Help family, really, I need help. How can I lose about 25 pounds (well okay I could stand to lose a good 30) before the upcoming nuptials? How to look hot in 3 months. Really. Don’t kid yourself, every Arnett female has been thinking the same thing. I have been exercising (total of 4 days and that doesn’t include the 3 times all the way around Vineyard park) and trying to forgo sugar (did really well until the Easter candy came out, did I not tell you that they now have junior mints in the shape of easter eggs, Allen’s has them but I have to wear a disguise to go in there, yea, it’s that twinkie thing. And never mind that my mother named me Candy. But I digress...) I am proposing that ARNETT’S UNITE and support my LOSE THE BLUB competition. (Note to all: I plan on winning.) Sort of like our past Easter Hat Parade parties. There will be prizes for most creative way to lose weight, loveliest fatty, most effort, hottest hottie hootie, etc. Of course the Grand Prize will be a solo photograph taken alongside the happy gorgeous couple, Dev and Quinn. Are you all up for the challenge? I have already lost .0002 lbs since yesterday so I am the leader so far. Well, okay I haven’t exactly made up all the rules yet but I am sure we can all be winners at fighting our Busby* body genes. (*Except for the Cliff Arnett girls, does anyone understand the cosmic justice of their movie star beauty and thinness?)

Anonymous said...

ld this is for you. There will be no 'can't resist' comments about said Busby bodies. Otherwise you will not be embracing this said Busby/Arnett body for a very long time. Like for eternity, that's how long. And I will reveal to the whole internet that you farted once when we were dating (and pretended to kick a tire.) Just so we're all clear.

Anonymous said...

Auntie Candy,

I'm in! I've already been contemplating the possibility of losing 60lbs in two months and just what I would have to do to get that much weight off. I think I would have to quit eating completely and devote at least 6 hours a day to exercise. So I guess I'll settle for just 20lbs. I think this can be done by reducing my caloric intake and devoting one hour a day to exercise at least 4x's a week. I think that is doable for me. Who else will be joining us?

Anonymous said...

If Candy isn't my Auntie, can I still lose about 10? Ok, maybe 15?

Anonymous said...


kenz and i took a vote, based on your blog (and yes i have perused it) and your 'pert opinion' comments to all the a.s.s. blogs, you should be an Arnett, you are a kindred spirit indeed.

Lindsay said...

Count me in for dropping the poundage. But fair warning. I'm going to be disappointed if I don't walk away with one of those awards like Candy used to make at the Easter Hat parade. Don't tease about such delights Auntie Candy. You better deliver the goods come the wedding day!

Anonymous said...

Auntie Candy, This brings a tear--I've lost a half pound since yesterday in water weight.